2016 Year in Review: The Office Imaging Industry’s Most Transformative Year and What’s to Come in 2017


Ai-logo-FI2On January 17, Actionable Intelligence hosted a webinar looking back on 2016—the most transformative year yet in the office imaging industry—and exploring what lies ahead for the industry in 2017.

In 2016, continued declining demand for certain classes of products put stress on already-stressed market segments. The industry’s overcapacity had a transformative effect on printer, copier, and supplies vendors, resulting in a year full of key mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring. Amid seismic shifts in the competitive landscape, OEMs introduced scores of innovative new devices, challenging the third-party supplies industry to keep pace as the market further matured. Meanwhile, lawsuits, especially those between the OEMs and those marketing third-party supplies, continued to affect the market.

The webinar was presented by Charles Brewer, the founder and president of Actionable Intelligence, and Christina Bonadio, executive editor of www.Action-Intell.com.

Actionable Intelligence would like to thank the sponsors of this webinar, Clover Imaging Group, Epson America, Future Graphics, and Static Control for their support and for making this event possible.



You can view the presentation by visiting https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8695812443521210628.

If you would like a PDF of the presentation, email Christina at editor@action-intell.com.

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